We can all recall experiences when we’ve been absolutely mesmerized by a particular artist’s solo guitar performance. Those moments live with us forever and for many of us, that’s why we play. And as players we all strive to achieve that same magical quality in our own performances. Fingerstyle Finesse focuses on the technique, performance and composition skills you’ll need to make that same magic happen with your music.
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There’s no one more qualified to serve as your Fingerstyle Finesse mentor than Stephen Bennett. Bennett’s “magic” is powerful stuff. Prolific composer, performer, recording artist and award-winning finger-picker, Bennett has amazing chops, but it’s his sense of melody and presentation that casts such a profound spell on his audiences worldwide.
While Fingerstyle Finesse includes breakdowns of five of his original tunes (the ones most people ask him about learning), the course goes way beyond just adding a few tunes to your repertoire.
Throughout the course, Bennett will emphasize and demonstrate key concepts such as the importance of melody in all aspects of your playing and composition, integrating harmonics, leveraging the backbeat, working with a capo, composing original material along with a variety of other techniques and concepts that will “finesse” your playing and compositional skills.
Here’s how Fingerstyle Finesse is presented …
The course is organized in five sections, each using an original tune to communicate a variety of key learnings.
In each section, Bennett first performs the entire tune as he would in a public performance to demonstrate presentation and dynamics.
Bennett will then breaks the tune down into bite-size chunks, note-for-note, grip for grip.
During each breakdown, Bennett addresses a wide variety of compositional and harmonic approaches to apply to the music you compose, arrange or perform.
Every tune and example is presented in Power Tab so that you can "see" and "hear" the notation and tab played out at any desired tempo and practice along with it.
DATA-DVD and Download formats include complete course with TrueFire’s Lesson Player with PIP, zoom, full-screen, slow motion, looping and other handy controls.
System Requirements
This course is presented in cross-platform Flash with PDF (tab notation) and Power Tab elements. Power Tab (included) is only available for Windows but we also include midi tab files for Mac users. All other components work great on Mac.
What You Get
Video software (Windows and Mac) with TrueFire’s Lesson Player, PIP, full-screen, looping, slow motion, keyboard shortcuts, plus…
– 157 Minutes of Video
– Practice Rhythm Tracks
– Text Commentary
– Tab and Notation
– Power Tab